New Moon in Taurus
Tomorrow the New Moon will fall over Amsterdam at 13:47 in the earth sign of Taurus. This new moon will pave the way for some big cosmic shifts and changes. This is not just due to the new moon, but also because Uranus is shifting into Taurus on the same day!
A new moon always represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. So this is the perfect chance for you to make a fresh start. It can be a great opportunity to question some old habits or patterns that no longer suit you.
"Taurus energy is all about finding security and stability, especially when it comes to our health, family, and money." - Forever Conscious
Practical and well-grounded, Taurus is the sign that harvests the fruits of labor. They feel the need to always be surrounded by love and beauty, turned to the material world, hedonism, and physical pleasures. But with this new moon it can be hard to deal with change. That's why this new moon is all about allowing change to happen.
While seeking security from external things is sometimes necessary, true security and safety comes from within, and it also comes through accepting that nothing is ever guaranteed to anyone. There are things that always can happen, like suddenly move houses, getting sick, dealing with stressful situations at work or having financial difficulties.

That's why it's good to start accepting that change is a constant in life. Learning how to accept these changes coming your way is what this New Moon is all about! Taurus energy is there to help you feeling more stable in making your decisions. Eventually we might even say that being adaptable to change is what's essential for feeling stable! Here's a clear image to help you understand:
“The green reed which bends in the wind is stronger than the mighty oak which breaks in a storm.” - Confucius
From this perspective we can see that even the mightiest or biggest object may seem strong, but something that bends with the wind and is adaptable to change is much more stable.
Along with change, this New Moon in Taurus is also bringing a wave of creativity!
It's nice to see that whenever change is flowing in your life, this can also be seen as a time of heightened creativity. To adapt to change, we sometimes have to be creative with our solutions. It can open our mind to new ideas and create a new set of life circumstances.
During this New Moon it can be the perfect time to open yourself up to some writing. There are some beautiful meditations you can do to help you get the right mindset before your start.
A simple meditation excercise

- First of all we want to create the perfect, serene mood. Start with lighting a few candles and burn some incense. Put on some meditative music and make sure the whole vibe is peaceful and comfortable.
- Use a few crystals to help you tap into the universal energy. For example a Clear quartz stone is perfect! Adding Rose quarts and Amethyst will make it even stronger.
- Then start imagining a white/golden crown of light above your heart and try to let it fill your whole body.
- Take 20/30 minutes to write down whatever comes to mind. If you don't know how to start, it can be good to try thinking about your purpose and keep on writing from there. It can start with a simple question like: "What is my purpose?". Eventually this new moon energy will guide you to think about the things that you really want in life and to deal with all these changes.
Doing this simple meditation can help you getting the most out of the New Moon energy. It will help to find creative ways to deal with change in your life and come up with solutions to help you go further.
Conscious Contributor: Nina Cornelissen
Forever Conscious
On Tuesday, the 11th of May, the New Moon in Taurus will appear at 20:59 in Amsterdam. We’re at crossroads now - leaving behind one reality and welcoming another. This New Moon invites us all to dream again and take up the willpower to make those dreams come true. Thanks to the influence of Mercury, Neptune, Saturn, Mars, and Uranus the following few days will be rather exciting.
Tuesday the 27th of April isn’t only Kingsday here in The Netherlands - it’s also the date on which the Full Moon appears in the sky. At 5:31 AM, this Super Full Moon in Scorpio will appear, marking a milestone of the new cycle. This full moon is opposite Uranus, and in astrology, we relate that to unexpected changes and events, impulsiveness, and even rebelliousness.
On Sunday, the 28th of March, the next Full Moon in Libra will appear in Amsterdam at 20:48 PM. This full moon is influenced by the Sun, Venus, and Chiron - which all relate back to healing broken hearts. Just like the past New Moon, the full moon of this month continues the theme of love.
With the arrival of the New Moon this Saturday at 11:21, fresh Spring air seems to reach us… Take it all in, as this new air brings us not only the change of seasons, but also a little bit of love! The March new moon is in very close alignment to Venus and Neptune, which indicates that the perfect foundation for new love and compassion is upon us!
Maybe it’s the start of Spring, or maybe it’s the signs in the sky that lead us towards a welcome shift in our lives. This Saturday, the 27th of February, The Full Moon in Virgo arrives in Amsterdam at 2:30 AM. This early morning will be the start of a beautiful new period, in which we free ourselves from old burdens and finally create the time to make changes that have been on your list for way too long. It’s the perfect time to shake things up,
On Thursday, the 11th of February, the next New Moon will arrive at 20:05 in Amsterdam. This specific New Moon takes place in Venus conjunct Jupiter, which is known to relate to love and beauty. Also, Neptune and Mars enter the stage to positively influence us the following 28 days…
The next Full Moon appears in Amsterdam on Thursday the 28th of January at 20:16 PM. This Full Moon is dealing with the influence of Mars and Jupiter, and in astrology, we know that this often relates to anger but also protecting yourself from becoming lost in your enthusiasm. Let us have a look at this new phase of the moon!
The first new moon of the year is going to be a rather exciting one. This New Moon will appear in Amsterdam on Wednesday the 13th at 6:00 AM. The New Moon is going to be conjunct many planets with many different properties. This includes rural times, in which crisis can trigger an evolution response in yourself. Discover more on what the planetary aspects have in store for you this New Moon.
This Full Moon is well-positioned to the planet Uranus, which often indicates positive things coming our way. From experiencing a welcome change to living more freely and intuitively. Let us have a look at this new phase of the moon!
For the past 2,164 days, the sun has been rising near the Pisces constellation… and now it’s heading towards Aquarius. Basically, this means that everything the specific zodiac signs embody become the “theme” of the astrological age. How lucky are we to witness this transition happen right in front of our eyes.
On Sunday the 14th of December, the next New Moon will arrive at 17:16 in Amsterdam. This specific New Moon is also a total solar eclipse and joined by the planets, Mercury and Mars. This will be a great time for renewed energy and being initiative with your goals. Let’s act on those exciting plans you’ve had for a while with confidence.
This November Full Moon, occurring on Monday the 30th of November at 10:29 AM in Amsterdam, is not a regular Full Moon. This Gemini Full Moon is characterized by being a lunar eclipse - which has many different astrological properties. This Full Moon is charged with the opposing forces of the Sun and the Moon and will bring us many different inner changes and urges.
On Sunday the 15th of November, the New Moon will arrive at 06:07 AM in Amsterdam. This New Moon is linked to the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction. This could be the cause of great fortune and success in the following weeks. Great, right?
You might notice one more thing about this Full Moon occurrence: it happens on Halloween! This mysterious Full Moon is also known as Hunter’s Full Moon - which has a background story to match the spooky holiday.
On Thursday, the 17th of September, the New Moon will arrive at 13:00 PM in Amsterdam. This New Moon is linked to Mars square Saturn and this could be the cause of feelings of frustration for the next four weeks until the next New Moon arrives.
On Wednesday, the 2nd of September, the Pisces Full Moon will arrive at 7:22 AM in Amsterdam. This special full moon is linked to Uranus and a beautiful lucky star. As a result, this will bring more freedom, positivity and stress-relieving experiences our way. After a couple of Full Moons bearing restrictions and frustrations, this is a very welcome change for the better.
This New Moon is going to be the start of a challenging new period where a lot of patience and perseverance is needed. There will be arguments, tests and struggles to get through, but with enough determination and focus on your goals, that will be possible.
No, this Full Moon is not an ordinary one. Four times a year, the moon will pass through the edge of the Earth’s shadow - and this Full Moon is one of them. This eclipse is neither total nor partial, which gives this faint graze of a shadow - the penumbral shadow.
The Worm Moon is known as the Full Sap Moon, as this is the time of year when sugar maples start to sap. But the most common name remains the Worm Moon. It finds its roots in the reappearance of the earthworm in nature.
This New Moon will be at the midpoint of Mars trine Uranus. This will bring opportunities to you and chances to develop new skills or talents to reach your full potential. The effects of the February new moon will last four weeks up until March 24th, when the next New Moon arrives.
In Amsterdam, on Sunday 9 February 2020 we will experience the Full Moon at 08:34:35 in 20° Leo. This Full Moon in February is called the Snow Moon.
On the 24th of January 2020 at 22:44 we will have the New Moon in Aquarius at 4º 22 in Amsterdam. This New Moon will square Uranus and this will increase the powers of this New Moon. The effects of the January 24 new moon last four weeks up to the February 23 new moon.
On Friday 10 January we’ll experience the first Full Moon of 2020 and it will be a special one. In Amsterdam we’ll have a Penumbral Eclipse in Cancer at 18:07 in 19°54’. A few hours later we’ll have the Full Wolf Moon in Cancer at 20:21 in 20°00.
The last new moon before the solar eclipse at the end of the year will be in the star sign of Sagittarius. This new moon brings above all rebellion and chaotic change.
The November full moon will be in the sign of Taurus. This full moon is going to bless us with some of the nicest cosmic alignments of the whole year and helps us to turn our dreams and goals into reality.
The full moon sure has magical influences on us and we all should make use of its powerful energy. Different cultures all around the world have different rituals to celebrate the full moon.
It might not be the Halloween night that we should be afraid of this month, but the night of October 28 when the new moon will be in scorpio. This is because some planetary aspects make this new moon a particularly tricky one..
While the last weeks were emotional quite challenging, the full moon in Aries is going to bring relief. It is time to reflect on your thoughts and make some necessary changes to find growth, love and happiness.
On Thursday, the 10th of June, the New Moon in Gemini will appear at 12:52 in Amsterdam. This moon is conjunct Mercury retrograde and square Neptune. In Astrology, this often relates to mental confusion, miscommunication and deception. Maybe not the greatest set of characteristics to be challenged with - but with caution and honesty we can come a long way!