March Full Moon in Libra: Mend Your Broken Heart
On Sunday, the 28th of March, the next Full Moon in Libra will appear in Amsterdam at 20:48 PM. This full moon is influenced by the Sun, Venus, and Chiron - which all relate back to healing broken hearts. Just like the past New Moon, the full moon of this month continues the theme of love. However, rather than finding new love, the full moon channels energy which enables us to heal from hurt emotions.
Full Moon Meaning
A Full Moon occurs when the moon is opposite the sun. These opposing forces can influence your life and lead to internal tensions such as between what you want and what your soul actually needs.
During the time of a Full Moon, our emotions and intuition reach their peak. We will be likely to feel more emotional and our intimate relationships come more into the center of our attention. This increased emotional strength can help us deal with challenges in our personal life or in relationships.
What to expect from this Full Moon?
You might feel a sense of strong desire for love and affection. This desire can be so strong, that you’ll be at risk of ending up in an unrequited love situation. Be wary of being misled, and not only trust those butterflies in your stomach. If you’re in a relationship, you might experience feelings of possessiveness and jealousy, which could lead to friction and tension. Whereas if you’re dating, you might start to lower your standards just because you want to be with someone. Your desire to combat loneliness might overpower your moral compass - so be careful there.
Thanks to the positive influence of Saturn, we are able to make good, rational decisions about your home family and life. This also includes some strong problem-solving skills that could present themselves to you. Those difficult relationship matters we talked about earlier? Put your faith in Saturn and trust your common sense over your desires. Saturn will guide you towards something better than flaunting love.
Another good aspect about Saturn, is that is very favorable of traditions and old habits. This will make visiting your (grand)parents much more enjoyable. It is a very good time to listen to the advice from an elder, so make sure you’re open-minded to receive it.
Venus not only influences the moon, in combination with Saturn they create a strong sense of wanting companionship in your life. Of course, we all want to feel loved, but these conditions are actually very good for those who want to get into a more serious relationship. Get ready for that next step!
This minor planet Chiron results in a full moon in which we can become more and more aware of the pain that accompanies heartbreak. Whether it’s breaking ties with a former close friend, a relative, or your lover - your heart is at risk of being hurt. Luckily, you don’t need to worry about being lovesick for two weeks straight, as Chiron’s influence is minimal, and only there to remind you of your emotional capabilities.
The only thing you need to be mindful of is victimizing yourself due to your fear of rejection. Past emotional pain can trigger old lingering habits, such as feeling damaged or unlovable. Bear in mind that these feelings will pass as quickly as they came - they were only there to remind you of how much you’ve grown.
Fixed star Algenib is on the wing of Pegasus, and is often related to hot-headedness, a quick temper, and bad (drinking) habits. Remember: all is good as long as it happens with moderation. If you’re able to keep your balance, you can save yourself from some missteps and even gaining more determination to achieve goals than before.
In Summary
There’s no denying it: we’re all humans, and we all need companionship. However, this full moon can also highlight unbalance in existing relationships or misled you towards new love in which you’re drastically lowering your standards. Chiron reminds you of painful things that happened in the past, but luckily we have rational Saturn there for us to create something solid in the midst of all those emotions.
Don’t settle for less in love: take your time and don’t rush into things just because you don’t want to be alone. Good things, after all, take time.
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