June Full Strawberry Moon: Conflicts, Love & Hate
On Friday, June 5th, the Full Strawberry Moon will arrive at 21:12 in Amsterdam. This Full moon in Sagittarius is called Strawberry Moon, descending from Algonquin tribes in eastern North America who recognized this moon as a sign of ripening fruit and wild strawberries. This specific moon is also known as Honey Moon, Rose Moon and Mead Moon - all referring to goods given to us by Mother Nature around this time of year.
Full Moon Meaning
A Full Moon occurs when the moon is opposite the sun. These opposing forces can influence your life and lead to internal tensions such as between what you want and what your soul actually needs.
During the time of a Full Moon, our emotions and intuition reach its peak. We will be likely to feel more emotional and our intimate relationships come more into the center of our attention. This increased emotional strength can help us deal with challenges in our personal life or in relationships. Our Full Moon Healing Circle is a great way to connect with a community, to reflect and to heal yourself from within!
Penumbral Quartet
No, this Full Moon is not an ordinary one. Four times a year, the moon will pass through the edge of the Earth’s shadow - and this Full Moon is one of them. This eclipse is neither total nor partial, which gives this faint graze of a shadow - the penumbral shadow. You probably won’t be able to see it with a bare eye, but the fact that it’s happening on June 5th and again already on July 5th and November 30 is extraordinary.
This Full Moon’s Challenges & Benefits
Eclipse. When the Sun comes opposite of the Moon, you can notice that your relationships get into a sharper focus and can get more intense. Strained relationships can endure heavy stress this period due to conflicts. This will drain your energy and create inner tension. However, your emotional strength and intuition will peak this Moon Phase! Use this strength to discover what causes the disharmony in your relationships.
Venus retrograde. This will be a time where challenges such as laziness and carelessness with money and need for affection will arise. Be aware of possible financial stress, difficulty with receiving love and possibly a need to fill a void with consumption. Challenges such as escalating anger and hostility can appear on your path. It’s up to you how to deal with it but we advise not to take a leap into impulsive actions.
Venus square Mars. But there’s more news concerning love! You can experience an increased sex drive, which can be used as a great tension relieving factor if you’re in a healthy relationship. If you’re not, however, try to stay safe rather than act on your lust. Try to work out if you want to release anger, hate, frustration or physical tension instead.
Fixed star Ras Algethi. Unfortunately, another bad omen is upon us: the danger of war. There will be an increased risk of war due to feelings of boldness and a drive to gain power.
In short, this will be a rather frustrating period for us all. Especially those who already have unstable relationships need to be aware of irritation and escalating anger and hostility.
With this Moon Phase, we can all use a little bit extra power and love to surround us with. That’s why we’re happy to say we reopened our doors for a beautiful Full Moon Healing Circle on Friday the 5th of June - in the full energy of the moon!