On Monday, July 20th, the New Moon in Cancer will arrive at 19:32 in Amsterdam. This New Moon is going to be the start of a challenging new period where a lot of patience and perseverance is needed. There will be arguments, tests and struggles to get through, but with enough determination and focus on your goals, all will be possible.
New Moon Meaning
A New Moon represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of another new 28-day cycle. It is the perfect time to start fresh. Planting new seeds and allowing some fresh ideas and thoughts into your head. The New Moon is a time to work on our instincts, so decisions made at this time will mostly be from habitual drives. You can also question old patterns and beliefs as you search for new and inventive ways to make progress.
The New Moon Challenges & Benefits

Moon Opposite Saturn. This will bring us hardships and put barriers across your path. Due to Saturn, it may be harder for you to express yourself. We’ll have to handle negativity such as worry, loss, low self-esteem and even melancholy. You may feel the need to connect with people, but they - in their turn - prefer solace. Corresponding feelings of rejection and isolation may occur.
Critique. It could happen, that authoritative figures in your life start to become more critical or demanding towards you. This is also a good thing, as it allows you to thoughtfully reconsider your behavior and skills. You might feel frustrated, but in the end, this is also a period of growth.
Hasty, yet will-powered. The fixed New Moon Star is called Alpha Canis Minoris, Procyon. This is a massive and incredibly bright star - the eighth-brightest star in the sky. The Procyon, however, will result in sudden and violent feelings. It can create jealousy, haste but also gives you the strength to put plans into action. Be aware of your temper this period and not act out on a whim.
Good support system. Thanks to the Sun conjunct Procyon, you will get through this cycle with the help of your dearest such as your family and partner.
Restlessness. Due to the Moon conjunct Procyon, certain occult interests could occur. You might feel restless and notice you can’t stand still for too long.
In Summary
This New Moon in Cancer is going to be challenging - no doubt about that. But there is absolutely no reason to worry for what is yet to come. You are prepared to deal with the serious, melancholic and restrictive aspects coming your way, and you are equipped to fight repressive influences. Be patient, be determined and persevere. Take this time to reflect and encourage yourself to rediscover certain aspects of yourself. When it comes to it, this new moon will provide a perfectly clean slate for you to work on.
Need some more guidance?
Check out our upcoming New Moon Healing Circle! Here, we will powerfully welcome the new cycle.