Moon Blog — Blog — The Conscious Club

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September Full Moon in Pisces: Get Ready For Positive Change

September Full Moon in Pisces: Get Ready For Positive Change

On Wednesday, the 2nd of September, the Pisces Full Moon will arrive at 7:22 AM in Amsterdam. This special full moon is linked to Uranus and a beautiful lucky star. As a result, this will bring more freedom, positivity and stress-relieving experiences our way. After a couple of Full Moons bearing restrictions and frustrations, this is a very welcome change for the better.

Full Moon in Gemini: Illumination and Revelation

Full Moon in Gemini: Revelation and duality

With the end of the year in sight, it is natural to feel a sense of renewal and rebirth. Since all of the changes in 2018 are getting you ready for 2019, the uncertainty of what is ahead can build up a bit of a tension. Don’t despair, the Gemini Full Moon’s focus on illumination and duality provides some direction and clarity!

The upcoming two full moons are both in the sign of Gemini! These full moons will bring more clarity and illumination: truths are starting to come to the surface. And though these truths may not always be pleasant, it is a necessary revelation in order to move on.

Gemini Full Moon


It is certainly no coincidence that there are two Gemini Full Moons before the end of the year—the Universe is sending us a message. Represented by the Twins, the Gemini energy stands for duality. Like the Yin Yang symbol, the Gemini energy also represents many dualities such as life and death, light and dark, good and bad, the moon and the sun, and so forth. The same goes for the dualities that we have in ourselves. We have good and bad qualities, we can be happy or sad. This philosophy can be applied to an infinite amount of concepts. But oftentimes the importance of these dualities is overlooked. As the black and white dot in Yin Yang illustrates, these dualities are not only contradictory to each other but also complementary. The dualities in the universe are interconnected, one cannot exist without the other.

There is no better time for the heightened energy of the Gemini to peak. This Gemini Full Moon encourages us to assess and adjust our dualities in order to create the best possible, balanced version of ourselves. The Gemini Full Moon also reminds us that nothing in life is black and white—remember the balance in the duality, if you can see the middle ground, you’ll lead a more peaceful and stable life!


The Conscious Club provides a great way to heal and let go! On the 22nd of November, from 8:00 PM till 9:00 PM the event Full Moon Healing Circle takes place. Together with Maaike Aker you can discover the power of a full moon mantra meditation. For further information, you can visit our events page! 

Full Moon Healing Circle .jpg

Conscious Contributor: Zeynep Kizilirmak

